Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Across The Pond

Another great event is the Welsh Face and Body Art convention in where else - Wales.
A friendly bunch this event produced some amazing artworks and no doubt will continue to grow. They are set to gather again in August 2009.

Body Art From The Aussies

The first convention for face anf body artists in Australia was held this year.
Called the Wonder Down Under it sounds like it was a good deal of fun - of course!
Can't wait to hang and paint with these artists. Looks like we'll have to wait until September 2009.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Odessey In Face And Body Art

The newest event on the block is Bodyessy Con which will be held in Toronto this April.
Another convention for face and body artists to gather learn and share, this one will be showcasing some amazing talents. Be sure to come back in mid-April to see photographs of some of the artworks created there.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

luis royo - conceptions 1

luis royo

conceptions 1

luis royo luisroyo.com

wolverine - hommage

hommage an stan lee - wolverine (3)

malgrund: schoellershammer reinzeichenkarton
4g dick 1360 g/m2 1,5 mm
51 cm x 73 cm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 anteil farbe/7 anteile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle arnoschaetzle.de
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

wolverine - hommage

hommage an stan lee - wolverine (2)

malgrund: schoellershammer reinzeichenkarton
4g dick 1360 g/m2 1,5 mm
51 cm x 73 cm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 anteil farbe/7 anteile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle arnoschaetzle.de
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

wolverine - hommage

hommage an stan lee - wolverine (1)

malgrund: schoellershammer reinzeichenkarton
4g dick 1360 g/m2 1,5 mm
51 cm x 73 cm

farbe: e´tac private stock
deckend schwarz
mit wasser verduennt
1 anteil farbe/7 anteile wasser

airbrush: harder und steenbeck colani mit 0,2 mm duese

arno schaetzle arnoschaetzle.de
airbrushstammtisch frankfurt

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Not All About The Body

Most events where body artists gather to learn, compete and just plain show off are not festivals or all about body painting at all. Some are more convention-like. Currently the premier event in the USA is the Face And Body Art International Convention. The convention started in 2001 and continues today holding workshops and competitions for face painting, body painting and henna. The event is held each May in Orlando, Florida.

I love going here to see so many close and talented friends.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Canadian Body Painting Festival

A newcomer the Canadian Body Painting Festival will hold it's next event in September 2009, in British Columbia. Like the world festival this event host workshops and competition for artists. Model and Photographers join this event for performance living art.

World Body Painting Festival

I would be wrong to not start with the foremost body painting event on the planet earth - The World Bodypainting Festival.

Begun in 1998 as a means to bring tourist trade to the community of Seeboden, Austria the event has grown into the premier international body painting event. The event held each July clearly celebrates the art form in a marriage of body painting artist, model and photographer. But the event is much more it includes amazing special effects makeup, music, performance and a training ground and competition for those involved in body painting.

Now in 2009 enjoy an all new website for the World Bodypainting Festival.

I have posted a very few World Bodypainting Festival Hall Of Fame photographs painted by artists I know and respect, and who inspire me to create more. Please see all the hall of Fame photographs on the WBPF website.

Body Painting As Fine Art

In order to introduce you to Body Painting as a fine art I will begin with the various events where artist gather to create living artworks.

When one thinks these days of body painting they think most often of either trade show/nightclub women sporting corsets, jeans and jerseys or glossy magazine swimsuits - yes all painted body art. And while many of my closest artist friends paint corsets, jeans, jerseys and swimsuits..... as alas we must pay the bills..... many paint living artworks that make the heart swoon for a more colorful, carefree world.

So in the first series of this blog on body painting I will introduce you to the various events celebrating this ancient and emerging art form.

And I'll be a bit selfish posting mainly artworks painted by friends. As I move forward I'll feature single artists, as well as models and photographers involved in this passionate art form. Come meet my friends and join me as I meet new ones.


name: zombie

size: 40 cm x 50 cm (arround 15,7" x 19,7")
digital illustration made with photoshop and a graphic tablet intuos a5

isn´t she lovely? even possessed ...

most of the work was dedicated to "putrefy" the girl´s skin, and to detail the background texture.

the innocence of the posture and the penetrating gaze makes her even more terrifying ...

persoenlich erstellter text von daniel cayuela am 09.03.2009
bild und text mit persoenlicher und freundlicher erlaubnis des kuenstlers daniel cayuela

daniel cayuela danielcayuela.com

hubert de lartigue

hubert de lartigue

48 page exhibition catalogue
with high gloss cover was published
by frédéric bosser gallery

hubert de lartigue hubertdelartigue.com

airbrush.it mini magazine

airbrush.it magazine nummer 60

airbrushfree airbrushfree.net

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

dave nestler - art premiere band 6

dave nestler
art premiere band nummer 6

dave nestler davenestler.com

andreas veith biografie

andreas veith interessierte sich schon in frueher jugend fuer kunst und malerei. seine ersten eigenen versuche fanden recht schnell beliebtheit im bekanntenkreis.

nach einigen experimenten mit kohle, buntstift, aquarell und oelfarben hielt er dann mit 13 Jahren seine erste airbrush-pistole in der hand. sie wurde zu einem unverzichtbaren hilfsmittel seiner acryl-mischtechnik und praegt noch heute seinen stil.
zu dieser zeit befasste er sich intensiv mit arbeiten der alten meister.

aber auch neuzeitlicher kunstgroessen wie gerhard richter oder gottfried helnwein weckten sein interesse, um sein auge fuer perspektive, bildaufbau und farbgebung zu schulen. ueber dali und magritte lernte er dann das universum des surrealen kennen, was ihn bis heute nicht losgelassen hat. "phantastischer realismus trifft es wohl am besten" stellt andreas veith fest.

die leinwand ist der bevorzugte malgrund von andreas veith, er arbeitet aber auch auf speziellem airbrushkarton. dies ermoeglicht ihm das anwenden von verschiedenen radierern, um farbe vom untergrund zu entfernen und so das weiss des kartons zu nutzen. beim arbeiten mit leinwand ist eine andere vorgehensweise erforderlich, hier benutzt andreas veith deckweiss fuer die lichter. andreas veith arbeitet mit opaken farben auf acrylbasis. ansonsten kommen auch buntstifte, kreide und aquarellfarben zu einsatz.

arno art award gewinner der zeitschrift art scene international des jahres 2007 kann mittlerweile auf eine beachtliche anzahl von ausstellungen im in- und ausland zurueckblicken.

art scene international heft nummer 69

artikel: andreas veith´s lost legends

andreas veith veithart.de

coompax-digital magazine